The O Shot “Orgasm” Shot 1

The “Orgasm” shot interview with Patricia Ntuli on SA FM Radio.

Vaginal Sensitivity Treatment

Vaginal Sensitivity Treatment is a non-surgical procedure that can stimulate the vagina in a way that positively impacts female pleasure. Up to 25% of women have trouble reaching climax, and there are few products on the market that are designed to help.


Vaginal Sensitivity Treatment is performed in a doctor’s office by spinning and then injecting the patient’s own blood into the vaginal tissue. This then stimulates the growth of new cells in the injected areas, making those areas more sensitive to the touch.

Who may need this treatment?

This treatment has become sought-after worldwide by women seeking enhanced pleasure. It can benefit women who have experienced a loss of pleasure post-natural childbirth or menopause, suffer from vaginal dryness, pain during intercourse, or find themselves leaking urine when sneezing, coughing or jumping.

What does the treatment involve?

An injection is made from the patient’s blood. The blood is taken from the patient’s arm and spun in a special machine to remove red blood cells. The injection has a greater concentration of growth factors, which are used in the healing process. It is used widely in sports injuries, orthopaedics, plastic surgery, and dermatology. It has gained popularity for the treatment of hair loss and skin rejuvenation.

The treatment is an injection into the area of the G-spot – underneath the urethra. It can also be injected into the clitoris to stimulate pleasure and into the vaginal wall to treat vaginal dryness and painful intercourse, as well as frequent vaginal infections.

FAQs About The O Shot

Vaginal Sensitivity Treatment has become sought-after worldwide by women seeking enhanced pleasure. It can benefit women who have experienced a loss of pleasure post-natural childbirth or menopause, suffer from vaginal dryness or pain during intercourse or find themselves leaking urine when sneezing, coughing or jumping.

There isn’t any pre-procedure preparation for the procedure per se. However, we always make sure that the patient is up to date with their pap smears and that the results are normal. We also make sure that she doesn’t have any significant health issues and that her routine health checks, such as bone density or mammogram, are up to date.

It is quite useful to read up about the procedure so that one is prepared on what to expect. Dr Novikova will send an information sheet that you will use to explore various websites to get more insights into pleasure and how to inquire. It is quite helpful in improving the chances of success of the procedure.

An injection is made from the patient’s blood. The blood is taken from the patient’s arm and spun in a special machine to remove red blood cells. The injection has a greater concentration of growth factors, which are used in the healing process. It is used widely in sports injuries, orthopaedics, plastic surgery, and dermatology. It has gained popularity for the treatment of hair loss and skin rejuvenation.

The treatment involves injecting into the area of the G-spot – underneath the urethra. It can also be injected into the clitoris to stimulate climax and into the vaginal wall to treat vaginal dryness and painful intercourse, as well as frequent vaginal infections.

The treatment involves getting an injection in the doctor’s office under local anaesthesia. The doctor will draw blood from a vein in your arm and use a special machine to prepare for the injection. The doctor will apply an anaesthetic cream to numb the area on injection. You may need an anaesthetic injection to numb the area further. The doctor will then inject into the G-spot, clitoris, vagina or all three areas depending on your needs.

Pain during the procedure is possible, but Dr Novikova uses numbing cream that she applies before the actual injections and that helps to diminish the amount of pain that you could experience quite a lot. The intensity of pain is quite individual, and some women are more sensitive than others, but the majority of women reported this procedure is comfortable. After the injection, the pain disappears quite quickly.

30-45 minutes and can be done on the same day as that of the consultation.

No, you can return to your regular activities following the injection.

  • The most common side effect is increased frequency and intensity of vaginal pleasure, as well as increased vaginal wetness.
  • Pain is uncommon, but some patients may experience it during the procedure and shortly afterwards.
  • Discomfort when passing urine is very rare.
  • There is a possibility (once again extremely rare) of urinary retention (inability to pass urine) for 1-2 days after the procedure, which resolves on its own. It happens because the injected substance compresses the urethra (tube between the bladder and vagina). In such cases, doctors will insert a catheter into the bladder for 1-2 days.

The injection is a very safe procedure, and the complications are extremely rare.

The effect starts in about 3 weeks after the injection and the full effect kicks in by 3 months. The effect of the injection lasts for about 8-12 months.

Dr Novikova does a full assessment to establish if you should have the procedure. There are a few conditions whereby you are not allowed to have the injection, such as infection, blood disorders, cancer or having unrealistic expectations.

This procedure is a trading name for injection in G-spot. G-shot is an injection of hyaluronic acid into G-spot to treat stress urinary incontinence and increase the ability to have a vaginal climax or in the vagina to treat vaginal dryness, decrease pain during intercourse and increase vaginal lubrication.