Dr Natalia Novikova is a highly skilled female Gynaecologist and Endoscopic Surgeon practising in both Cape Town and Johannesburg. Dr Novikova is passionate about the provision of high-level, evidence-based care to women with gynaecological problems. She specialises in pelvic floor surgery, minimally invasive surgery and aesthetic gynaecology.
Natalia became a doctor over 20 years ago graduating from the National Medical University in Kiev, Ukraine where she grew up. She holds a PhD from National Medical University for her research on Infection and Preterm Birth and a Masters Degree from the University of Sydney for her research on the mechanism of action of the morning-after-pill. Dr Novikova undertook specialist training in Obstetrics and Gynaecology at the Centre of Excellence in Australia, Royal Prince Alfred Hospital in Sydney.
Natalia spent some time during her specialist training in Eastern Cape (Cecilia Makiwane Hospital) and fell in love with South Africa. She returned to South Africa after completing her specialist training in Obstetrics and Gynaecology in Australia. She headed the department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology at Frere Hospital, East London for 4 years. She moved to Cape Town for family reasons and started her private practice in 2015. Her practice has grown and she now has a second practice in Johannesburg.
Throughout her career, Dr Novikova taught medical students, junior doctors and specialists in training. She took part in global research by participation in clinical trials and is an associate editor of Cochrane Library which is the top source of evidence in medicine. She published her work extensively in medical journals and presented at various local and international congresses.
Dr Novikova is a founder and a president of the South African Aesthetic Gynaecology Society. She runs regular workshops teaching other doctors.
Natalia loves her work, her patients and her practice. Her other passions in life are running (at times, marathons), dancing, cooking, skiing and most of all spending time with her three gorgeous children and friends. Dr Novikova works with an excellent team that helps her to deliver the best possible care to her patients.