Some beneficial medical resources for our patients:
- Egg Freezing, refer to – a current success rate of conception is around 27% (2018). The ideal time to freeze eggs is in the twenties, but no later than 37.
- Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists – patient information on various gynaecological problems
- Uptodate – excellent regularly updated source for information for patients
- Fibroid Care SA – service of the treatment of fibroids by embolisation of the uterine artery
- Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (RANZCOG)– various patient education pamphlets
- International Urogynaecological Association (IUGA) – informative patients information about different treatment options of prolapse and incontinence
- Health Professions Council of South Africa (HPCSA)
- Pelvic Pain Foundation of Australia
- Nutritionist – Hannah Kaye –
- Breast Surgeon – Dr Britta Dedekind
Geneticist – - Intercare Sandton Day Hospital –
- Cosmetic Surgery Institute –
Best Health Apps
- Natural Cycles, contraception with an app – Study of 15,000 women using the app showed that 1.8% of women fell pregnant in 8 months of use when using correctly and 6.5% fell pregnant because of incorrect use.
- Menstruation and ovulation calendar – useful for women trying to conceive
- Clue – period tracker – to track periods / menstrual cycle
- Doc’s Diet Diary – to monitor pain in relation to diet
- Bladder diary Urotoday – for women with urinary incontinence
- Calcium Intake calculator
Informational Videos
- Dr Novikova’s YouTube channel
- Video on breast check – Youtube
- TED talk on girls sexuality – TED
- Information and photos about what normal labia and female genitals look like. – Labia Library