
A hysterectomy procedure is a surgical operation performed to remove the uterus (or womb).

The procedure is a very common surgery around the world and about one in five women will undergo a hysterectomy procedure by the age of 55. However, the number of hysterectomies are going down because of new treatments available to manage conditions that previously could only be cured with a hysterectomy.


Dr Natalia Novikova chats about Vaginoplasty, which is a surgical procedure that involves tightening of the vaginal canal.

The procedure would be for women who need tightening of the vagina after normal vaginal childbirth that was perhaps traumatic, where there was a particular tear that wasn’t repaired appropriately or didn’t heal well, or it could be the vagina was just too stretched during childbirth and did not return to its size prior to pregnancy and women feel unsatisfied with their sexual life.

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