Tubal Ligation
Tubal ligation is a surgical procedure for female sterilization which involves permanently cutting, tying or blocking the fallopian tubes to prevent pregnancy.
Tubal ligation is performed as a permanent method of contraception and should only be done if you are certain you will not want to fall pregnant in the future. It is effective for women who are unable to use other methods of contraception or for women who have health problems that make pregnancy unsafe. Your doctor should make you fully aware of the risks and benefits of tubal ligation as it is not for everyone.
Although major complications of tubal ligation are not common, there are a few things you should be aware of. As with any surgery, infection or wound, separation may develop so it is important to keep an eye on your incision after surgery. The risks of tubal ligation are greater if you are overweight, smoke, have a heart condition or have diabetes.
Tubal Ligation is performed via laparoscopy – please read more about the laparoscopy procedure here.
The tubal ligation (sterilisation) is only recommended to women who completed their families and do not want to fall pregnant under any circumstances in the future (common ones would be having a new partner who does not have children and wanting children in the new relationship or having lost a child). About 20% of women regret having tubal ligation and 5% of women seek reversal. The success rate of reversal of tubal ligation is about 10%. IVF is an alternative. Both options are very costly.
Frequently Asked Questions
Yes, you will still release an egg each month and have your menstrual periods.
Yes, there is a procedure called the “tubal ligation reversal”, this involves untying or reconnecting the fallopian tubes.
Patients will be put under anaesthesia for the procedure which generally takes about 30 minutes. One or two small incisions are made on the tummy, usually around the navel. A laparoscope is then inserted (a small telescope on a flexible tube) followed by instruments that are moved down through the laparoscope or a separate small cut. The tubes are then burned/clamped or cut. The incisions will be closed by a few stitches, and patients are normally well enough to go home after a few hours after the anaesthesia has worn off.
You will be prescribed medication to manage pain and should be able to return to normal activities after a few days.
No, you will still experience menopause later in life.